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Our Response to the U.S. Supreme Court's Opinion on Race-Conscious Admissions

June 29, 2023

Dear ECMC Foundation Community,
As we reflect on the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion on race-conscious admissions practices, I invite all of us who are committed to equity in education to remain steadfast in our commitment to the success of underserved students in postsecondary education, particularly Black, Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islander and Asian American learners. Today, we joined fellow philanthropic organizations in expressing concern about the ruling and affirming our resolve to achieve educational equity. Our actions from this point forward will determine whether our nation is a land of opportunity for all those who seek the benefits of a college credential, or a society in which economic and social mobility remain out of reach for millions of individuals.
As a first-generation college graduate, I have experienced firsthand the power of higher education to pull generations from the jaws of poverty. I deeply empathize with those who miss the chance to reach their fullest potential because they couldn’t get into college or once they got there, they were not well served by institutions and departed without a credential. There were many times I questioned my own postsecondary path, concerned that I was not contributing to my family’s financial wellbeing while pursuing my academics. More than ever, we need a higher education system that embraces all types of students and college and university campuses across the country where every student belongs.

It is deeply troubling that more than 40 million individuals across the country have earned college credit but not a degree. This figure increased by 2.3 million in recent years. These sobering statistics remind us that we still had much work to do, even before today's decision. We must take action to change a system that was never intended to serve students like me.
As we contemplate the implications of today's Supreme Court ruling ending the consideration of a student's race as a factor in admissions practices, I invite us to draw from our decades of experience and create new avenues for ensuring that all students have an opportunity to earn a college credential. This is a shared responsibility between philanthropy and higher education. We call on our partners to continue sharing ideas and innovations that will pave the way for a brighter future for all types of learners. We know the headwinds you face, and students are relying on you to overcome efforts against educational equity.
We will remain steadfast in the pursuit of transformational change across the postsecondary ecosystem.
In service to students and community,
Jacob Fraire
President, ECMC Foundation

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