ECMC Foundation Co-Organizes LA Forum on College Attainment for Young Men of Color
April 20, 2017
Significant disparities in college enrollment, persistence and completion between young men of color* and their non-Hispanic white and East Asian peers are well-established. Nationwide, while college enrollment has increased among young men of color, it continues to significantly trail behind rates of their white counterparts.
Among young men for whom an associate degree is their highest level of education, 5 percent are black and 6 percent are Latino, compared to 24 percent who are white. For a bachelor's degree: 4 percent are black and 4 percent Latino, compared to 33 percent who are white. Additionally, a gender gap in educational attainment exists: across all racial groups, women complete college in higher numbers than men.
College Attainment for Young Men Forum, co-organized by the Southern California College Access Network (SoCal Can), ECMC Foundation and the California Community Foundation, will explore opportunities to better support college access and success for young men of color. The program will include both plenary and break-out sessions and time to network over lunch.
Who Should Attend? Up to two representatives per SoCal CAN, LASIF grantees, or local funding partners.
Date: Thursday, May 11
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. PT
Location: Joan Palevsky Conference Center, Downtown Los Angeles
Learn more and register for the forum.
*"Young men of color" defined in this context as: Students who are between the ages of 14-24 who identify as male and are from an ethnic group/race traditionally underrepresented in higher education, including but not limited to African-American, Latino, Southeast Asian and Pacific Islanders, and Native American/American Indian.