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Review of the Evidence on Noncredit Education

May 29, 2024

Noncredit education and non-degree credentials are gaining recognition for their value among students and policymakers, due to the benefit of credentials in today’s job market.

As this recognition grows, there is a notable lack of data in this area, making the limited findings on student outcomes and completion of noncredit education difficult to understand. Rutgers University’s Education and Employment Research Center has released Review of the Evidence on Noncredit Education to assess noncredit education and employment outcomes. The review details a core group of articles on noncredit outcomes, focusing on completion, wages and employment. This review examines the postsecondary system, its costs and benefits, and outcomes of noncredit programs compared to credit programs using ECMC Foundation-funded data and other data collected over the past five years.

Read Review of the Evidence on Noncredit Education 

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